Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury's Darwin celebrations open with park run with a difference

Shrewsbury's annual celebration of Charles Darwin opened with a park run with a difference.

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Shrewsbury's annual DarwIN Festival opened with a Park Run with a difference in The Quarry.

Saturday saw the Darwin-themed event marking the beginning of the 21st DarwIN Shrewsbury Festival.

Taking place in The Quarry, runners, many clad in distinctive knitted beards and masks – and one in a full flamingo suit – celebrated the father of evolution, Charles Darwin, with a playful edition of their regular weekend run.

The participants embraced the spirit of the festival by posing for a special photo recreating the famous drawing depicting the stages of evolution.

Shrewsbury's annual DarwIN Festival opened with a Park Run with a difference in The Quarry.

Runners of all ages united for the Darwin-inspired parkrun, setting what was described as "a joyous and community-spirited tone" for the month-long festival ahead.

The annual DarwIN Shrewsbury Festival runs throughout February and brings together businesses, museums and academics from Shrewsbury and further afield to honour Charles Darwin's profound impact on Shrewsbury's history.

A spokesman for the festival organisers said: "This year's edition promises around forty unique events illuminating Darwin's life, work, and enduring influence on the understanding of the natural world.

Shrewsbury's annual DarwIN Festival opened with a Park Run with a difference in The Quarry.

"In a time where the significance of science and our connection with the ecosystem is more apparent than ever, the festival serves as a platform to explore and engage with Darwin's legacy.

"The diverse program caters to a wide audience, offering activities for science enthusiasts, history buffs, young scientists, budding artists and educators eager to foster an interest in local history and the natural world in the next generation.

"As the festival unfolds, residents and visitors alike are encouraged to participate in the numerous events and activities that highlight Darwin's legacy, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the ongoing relevance of his contributions to science and our collective understanding of the world."

Shrewsbury's annual DarwIN Festival opened with a Park Run with a difference in The Quarry.
Shrewsbury's annual DarwIN Festival opened with a Park Run with a difference in The Quarry.
Shrewsbury's annual DarwIN Festival opened with a Park Run with a difference in The Quarry.