Shropshire Star

Severe weather emergency plans activated to get rough sleepers off the freezing streets

An emergency plan to get rough sleepers off the freezing streets has been activated in Shropshire.

Last updated

The Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) was activated on Wednesday and is set to last until December 4.

A venue in Castle Foregate in Shrewsbury is used to give rough sleepers a bed space and if people are concerned about someone sleeping rough there is a phone number to call.

Cold weather payments to people on benefits have also been activated and the recipients should get them automatically. The system is activated when average temperatures are forecast to fall below 0C and stay there for a week.

Shrewsbury BID tweeted on Wednesday: "The Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) will be active from tonight, Nov 29th, until Dec 4th, at 70 Castle Foregate, Shrewsbury. Rough sleepers can attend from 10pm-11pm to be allocated a bed space. Concerned about a rough sleeper? Call 0345 6789005."