Shropshire Star

Bonfire Night led to two call-outs for fire crews in Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury firefighters were called out to two Bonfire Night-related incidents on Sunday evening.

Last updated

A crew turned out to Six Acres in the town at 5.30pm to reports of an unexploded firework in a garden.

Upon inspection it was discovered that the firework had already been lit and used. The firefighters retrieved the firework from the garden.

At 7.30pm a crew was called to reports of a fire in the open on the playing fields at Kynaston Road, Harlescott.

The reports of a small fire in the open proved to be a small bonfire near the end of its burn. It was left to burn out.

There was an unrelated Bonfire Night call at 0.37am on Monday to Wingfield Gardens in Ditherington.

A crew discovered a quantity of rubbish on fire and brought it under control within half an hour.