Shropshire Star

Bowling club holds charity game in memory of chairman

A bowling club is holding a charity game to raise money for the Midlands Air Ambulance following the death of their chairman earlier this year.

Peter Sargeant died in May

Peter Sargeant collapsed at a Hadnall Bowling Club league match on May 31 this year.

Despite best efforts of his fellow club members to resuscitate him, the club chairman of seven years died at the Station Road bowling green.

In memory of Peter and to to raise money for the Midlands Air Ambulance, Hadnall Bowling Club is holding a charity game on Saturday (September 23).

Starting at 3pm the event will consist of 12 Hadnall Bowling Club members playing against a North Shropshire select team, including four former Shropshire Merit winners, Shropshire County and North Shropshire Parks players.

There is a prize draw, BBQ and other spot prizes to be won.

A spokesperson for the club said: "All are welcome to come and support the event in aid of a charity close to Pete’s heart."

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