Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury 'foam house' structural repairs to be completed this month - two years after evacuation

Structural repairs to Shrewsbury's 'foam house' are set to be completed this month, a council has said.

Last updated

Number 110 St Michael's Street in the town attracted attention in July 2021 after concerns over the safety of the building led to the house being evacuated and the road being closed – before the use of an unusual and striking technique to stabilise the home.

Amid worries that the building may collapse Derbyshire firm Restek was brought in to fill parts of the property with large pipes, which were then packed with geopolymer foam concrete.

The work led to the unusual spectacle of both the home's archway and its front door being packed with foam – appearing like something out of a cartoon.

The foam has now been removed with structural work taking place, while local residents have been speculating over the state of the property on social media.

But, Shropshire Council, which ordered the road closure back in 2021, and is responsible for signing off on the building's safety, has now confirmed the current state of the property.

Councillor Richard Marshall, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for regulatory services said the authority was happy with the work so far, and expected structural repairs to be completed this month.

He said: “Structural repairs and works have been undertaken at 110 St Michael’s Street, all of which comply with Building Regulations.

"Further work to complete the structural repairs is expected to be completed in June 2023."

When the closure was ordered in 2021 the council said there were concerns the building “could collapse at any time”.

It said that a number of options were considered for the town-house, which is located within Shrewsbury's Conservation Area, including demolition.