Shropshire Star

Council asking residents what they like and don't like about Shropshire's great outdoors

An annual survey is asking Shropshire residents about how they enjoy - or don't enjoy - the great outdoors.


Shropshire Council is asking people for their views on outdoor recreation.

The Annual Outdoor Recreation User Survey includes questions about the outdoor facilities and activities residents and visitors make use of, how information is obtained, any access barriers people may face, and how satisfied users are with the services provided.

People are being asked for their ideas and suggestions regardless of whether they enjoy outdoor activities or not.

All the information gathered in the survey will be used to support the delivery of Shropshire’s Great Outdoors Strategy, which sets out how the authority and its partners aim to conserve and enhance the natural environment, improve people’s health and well-being and support the local tourism economy.

Robert Macey, cabinet member for culture and digital, said: “We know our residents and visitors are drawn to Shropshire’s wonderful outdoors and the county’s natural beauty and history are all obvious draws to the area, but by opening up the conversation and asking people to participate in the survey we hope to be able to extend our audience.

“Undertaking the survey each year allows Shropshire Council to understand how things are changing and where future actions should be prioritised so our strategy can evolve, and people can continue to improve their well-being by being active outdoors.

“Our goal is to make the outdoors accessible and appealing to everyone and to support businesses and the hospitality experts who share our ambitions.”

The survey is open until August 6, and can be viewed online at: