Shropshire Star

Broadband firm shelves Shrewsbury infrastructure plans after residents complain about wooden poles

A company has cancelled its remaining plans to put up broadband infrastructure in a Shropshire town after opposition from residents.

Last updated

Full Fibre has been putting in broadband infrastructure across Shrewsbury since 2021.

The firm had been planning to complete the final 10 per cent of its project, including the London Road estate, and parts of Meole.

The plan would have involved putting in a number of wooden poles for the network – which is available for use by competitive broadband providers.

The firm does not require planning permission to carry out the work, having been granted powers by Ofcom which allow it to install infrastructure.

A letter from the firm to residents advised that the wooden poles could have been between nine and 11 metres high and 20 to 25cm in diameter.