Shropshire Star

Flags are out as Shrewsbury looks forward to Salvador Dali-themed arts trail

Shrewsbury will once again be awash with colourful flags, bunting and banners to celebrate the summer season - this time with a Salvador Dali theme.


The flags, stretching across High Street, and banners attached to lampposts around the town centre have been created by the Shrewsbury BID team and were installed this week.

The designs include bright typography showcasing the town’s summer highlights, and artworks by Dali in a nod to this year’s Shrewsbury Arts Trail.

Emma Molyneux, project coordinator at Shrewsbury BID, said: “The High Street flags and banners have become a regular feature of the town centre since we first introduced them a couple of years ago.

“We thought it would be nice to link the theme with the Shrewsbury Arts Trail, which has managed to secure some original Dali sculptures this year, along with permission for us to use Dali artwork on our High Street flags.

“We would like to say a big thank you to Buck and the team at Potters Electrical for installing the flags and banners, which we think look fantastic.”

Jonathan Soden, owner of The Soden Collection in Wyle Cop, said: “The flags look incredible in the town centre and add an extra splash of colour which is always welcome.

"Having work from such world-renowned artists as Dali is something to be celebrated, and the flags and banners help create a great atmosphere in Shrewsbury during the summer.

“This all helps with everything that is being done to make Shrewsbury a destination for art lovers."

Ruth Warren, of Moshulu in High Street, added: “It’s been great to see the flags and banners going up this week, and they really make a difference to the overall look and feel of High Street.

“The designs are colourful and it’s wonderful to see people pausing to look up as they do their shopping here in the town centre.”