Shropshire Star

Events to mark Epilepsy day to be held Shrewsbury

A Purple Walk and Purple Pursuit Scavenger Hunt have been arranged to take place in Shrewsbury to raise funds for The Epilepsy Society.

Last updated
Louise Morgan

The Purple Walk is free to enter and will cover two to three miles by the River Severn, starting at the bandstand in The Quarry at 10.30am and finishing at noon on March 26, which is designated as International Epilepsy Day.

Organiser Louise Morgan, aged 40, from Shrewsbury, said: "We are advising anyone taking part to wear comfortable footwear and warm clothes and to take along a waterproof jacket in case it rains.

They should also bring along plenty of water and a snack if needed.

Louise said: "The Purple Walk be a leisurely one, suitable for everyone and parking will be available at St Julian's car park or at Frankwell Car Park.

"The Purple Pursuit Scavenger Hunt will require a £3.50 donation and will be a team challenge where people will be put into groups and given two hours to walk around Shrewsbury Town Centre identifying and taking photographs of any purple objects, landmarks or even people.

"The group will be asked to take the photograph as an entire team and with their purple item, place or person.

"A number of local businesses will be assisting by having purple themes and items of decoration in their windows.

"There will be plenty of things for people to find and the winning team will be the one that has found the most purple in the town with their photographs to prove the fact."

She added: "The winners will be able to choose from a selection of prizes donated by local businesses.

"People wanting to participate in the Purple Pursuit are being asked to arrive at noon for a 12.15pm start and a finish time of 2.30pm.

"They will meet at the Bandstand at The Quarry and need to register with their donation."

Louise, who works at the University of Birmingham as a manager for international recruitment, said that it was hoped that about 50 people would take part in each event.

Money raised will be transferred to The Epilepsy Society via the JustGiving page.

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