Shropshire Star

Timely talk in Shrewsbury on the changing face of authoritarianism

Humanists in Shropshire are hosting a free talk on the changing face of authoritarianism and how to respond.

Last updated
Peter Pack

Peter Pack from Amnesty International, will be speaking at the University Centre, Shrewsbury, on Thursday, October 20, from 7pm.

People will be able to find out about increasing authoritarianism throughout the world.

A spokesman for Shropshire Humanists said: "Authoritarianism is the principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action.

"In government, authoritarianism denotes any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite that is not responsible to the body of the people."

Mr Pack, who has a long association with Amnesty international, will talk about how common authoritarianism is, how it is changing, and what people can do about it. There will be a question and answer session.

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People who have symptoms of covid are asked not to attend.