Shropshire Star

You might never look on crazy cat ladies the same way again

You might never look on crazy cat ladies quite the same ever again...

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Kevin Horak

Former ex close protection officer and Shropshire Chamber of Commerce director Kevin Horak, has turned his attention to fiction writing and his subject is one particular crazy cat lady.

In 2017 Mr Horak, aged 50, from Shrewsbury, decided to focus on his writing career. In the process he sold his very successful record label and passed on his clothing brand, both of which still operate today.

Although he writes full time he also works as a professional DJ for VIP events.

Mr Horak's first work of fiction, called Mildred The Crazy Cat Lady, is now available in good bookshops and online. His bibliography includes two books about the executive protection/bodyguarding business, and he is the author of two adult comedy books.

"It's set in Shrewsbury taking in a lot of the local architecture and reference points," said Mr Horak.

His book tells the story of how Mildred was given a moggie on condition that she joined the local cat club. And that's when things turned odd.

Unbeknown to Mildred, the club had met behind closed doors for hundreds of years and this league of extraordinary women had many secrets.

Anyone brought into the Order had to live by a code of secrecy as fear and darkness was never far away.

Mildred wanted no part of it, but she had no choice, her membership was predetermined a long time ago. As dark clouds loomed over Mildred’s house unexplained events were becoming commonplace as the Order started to take over her life.

Mr Horak, who shares two dogs with his fiancée, will be signing copies of his new book at Shrewsbury Library from 10.30am to 3.30pm today (Saturday). And next weekend he will be at Bridgnorth library from 9.30am to 3pm.

The book was released on March 26 and is available for sale at Amazon as well as WHSmiths and Waterstones.

"I’m also very keen to support independent retailers so it’s currently heading their way as well," he added.

Mr Horak was a front line bodyguard for 20 years before becoming a director of the Chamber and being in business as a Parliamentary security advisor. He then semi retired to take up writing.

Mr Horak said: "The term ‘crazy cat lady’ is used the world over, is a generalised term of pride and ownership among the vast percentage of cat owners.

"With ‘crazy cat lady’ merchandise selling around the world from t-shirts, mugs and dolls to name a few, never has a book been written using this commonly known phrase.

"With nearly 11 million cats within the UK alone this untapped resource and potential sales base has never had the opportunity to read such a darkly comedic, thought provoking and pulse raising novel."

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