Shropshire Star

More BT boxes turned colourful in Shrewsbury thanks to local artists

More broadband boxes are being given a new look by local artists in Shrewsbury

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Gisela Robinson paints one of the BT boxes near English Bridge in Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury BID and Openreach have joined forces to commission artwork on a dozen of the boxes, all on the theme of animals.

The first phase of the project was launched in June when broadband cabinets were changed from their usual dark green into colourful murals.

Now the second phase is underway, Gisela Robinson has chosne to paint the now extinct Dodo on a box near the English Bridge, to represent Darwin's theory of evolution.

The editorial illustrator, who is from Argentina and who moved to the county with her Shrewsbury husband and their children three years ago, said it was wonderful to have the chance to be involved in the community art initiative.

"It has been wonderful chatting to everyone who has stopped to see me working," she said.

Emma Molyneux, project coordinator at Shrewsbury BID, said: “This is the second phase of Openreach boxes in a scheme by Shrewsbury BID supported by the Economic Recovery Programme run by Shropshire Council, to encourage artists to get creative and brighten up to the town centre.

"The first five boxes were completed earlier in the summer, with a further seven expected to be complete by the end of the month.”

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