Shropshire Star

Food and clothes share project provides help for people in Ellesmere

A food and clothes share scheme which opened in Ellesmere just a few months ago has brought out the best in people, the town's mayor says.

NORTH COPYRIGHT SHROPSHIRE STAR JAMIE RICKETTS 10/01/2023 - Ellesmere Food Bank - A new food bank was set up on 10th December 2022 as is now based out of "Our Space" in Ellesmere. In Picture L>R: Helen Minton, Dee Hamilton and Penelope Harrison.

The enterprise, based in the Our Space building next to the town's GP surgery, has no less than 40 volunteers who give up their time to help sort items and open it to the community.

Mayor Anne Wiggins said donations of food, clothes and bedding were coming in all the time.

Councillor Wiggins said she was keen to launch such a project for the town and surrounding villages when she took on her civil role in May.

"Penny Harrison from Tetchill got in touch to say she was also interested and we started working on the project," Councillor Wiggins said.

"Our Space provided a room for the food sharing project and we now have space at the former Fred Roberts shop for the clothes share"

"We advertised for volunteers and over 40 are now involved. It's fantastic for our small town."

The food share at Our Space is open on Tuesday mornings from 9-11am and 2.30-4.30pm as well as on Saturdays from 9-11.30pm.

Meanwhile the clothes share is open at the back of the Rotary Club book store in Cross Street on Friday and Saturday mornings.

There are donation bins in various shops in Ellesmere, including Premier Store, the Co-op, JS Hair, Mere Motors, the indoor market, More Than A Sundae, Pets Pantry, Blakemere Vets and Dudleston Post Office.