Shropshire Star

Sunday lunches are keeping social club afloat in lockdown

A social club that should be celebrating 100 years at the heart of the community is like many around the county, fighting to keep afloat.

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Dishing up and delivering Sunday Lunches from the Comrades Club, Ellesmere are, from left Jan Oliver (club president), Annette Speakes (cook), Sarah Cooper (committee member) and Margaret Sumner (cook)

Ellesmere Sports and Social Club is normally alive with meetings, functions and regulars playing pool and enjoying a drink.

Today is it under lockdown, except for the takeaway Sunday lunches that are not only bringing in much-needed funds but providing a meal for those who may be on their own or unable to enjoy dinners with their family.

Last October marked 100 years since a group of army veterans got together to set up the town’s ‘Comrades of the Great War’ Club and 50 years since it moving into its permanent, purpose-built headquarters in Victoria Street.

Today its only income is from the popular Sunday lunched cooked by staff who are now working part-time.

Each Sunday the meals are offered as takeaways or can be delivered by a small army of club volunteers with customers able to order one, two or three courses and a small option on the main meal.

Tina Evans from the Comrades club said for some elderly people or those shielding, the Sunday lunch delivery could be the only time in the week they had contact with others.

"When we did our Christmas Day lunches - complete with a small present - one of or customers burst into tears because she was so pleased to see someone on Christmas Day," she said.

"Enjoying our Sunday lunches is the perfect way to support the club while sadly it has to remain closed."

Tina said the club's outgoings each month came to £600 even with the doors shut.

"We have leases that we have to pay and of course we have to keep some heating on to stop the building getting damp.

"We are looking forward to getting back to normal after the pandemic and one again being a busy thriving club. Until then we hope people will support us by ordering our Sunday lunch."

Sunday lunches can be ordered at 07871 733375.

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