Charity holding first fete since the pandemic
A charity is hosting a summer fete for the first time since the pandemic.

Autism charity Your Space, which is supported by the Wrexham striker Paul Mullin, will be hosting the event at Chirk AAA's Club from 11am to 4pm on Sunday, June 9.
Your Space Autism Champion and part-time fundraiser, Andrew Edwards said: “Our Summer Fete promises to be a fantastic day. It is the first time that it has been held since the pandemic.
"We would greatly like to place on record our thanks and gratitude to our sponsors Caffi Wylfa, Blades Gents Barbers, Richard Burbidge, Gittins & Co Wealth Management and Shannon Sales Chirk along with Chirk AAA’s Tim Flack and Suzanne Newall for allowing us to use the club."
Attending the event will also be the newly appointed Labour Welsh Transport Secretary Ken Skates, Labour MS for North Wales, Carolyn Thomas, and the new Wrexham County Borough Mayor for 2024-25, Councillor Beryl Blackmore.
Mr Edwards added: "We also ask if you wish to discuss the divisive 20mph limit on Welsh roads with Mr Skates that you do so politely regardless of your views.
"He is our guest and we greatly appreciate his kind support in attending our Summer Fete. Not adhering to this will not be tolerated."