Pair celebrate their birthdays with the best knees-up possible - getting replacement ones
We all like a good knees-up to celebrate a landmark life event, but two octogenarians took it to new extremes – by having knee replacements at Shropshire's orthopaedic hospital on their birthday.

Eric Allison and Peter Dawson not only shared their birthday but by coincidence the appointment for knee surgery at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital took place on the day.
Peter, from Llangyniew, near Welshpool, turned 81, while Eric from Gloucestershire, turned 87.
Both arrived at the hospital on the 'enhanced recovery programme', meaning they were able to start their birthday by going under the knife but were back home – complete with a new knee – in time to enjoy a celebratory nightcap.
Peter said: “I was keen to get my surgery done and was pleased to discover it was on my birthday. The surgery was successful, which was brilliant as it meant I was able to go home the same day as part of the enhanced recovery programme.
“Mr Niall Graham, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, had explained well prior to my surgery that it would be a painful operation, and as part of the programme I had to do exercises prior to my surgery. I recommend these are done in preparation to aid with the recovery – it helped me with mine.”
Eric said: “I couldn’t believe it when I saw the date of my operation was my birthday. I got the best birthday gift – a new knee. I had a successful operation with Mr Yannis Seferlis, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, and was advised I was well enough to return home on the same day.
“I was happy with this decision. Recovering in my home environment on my birthday felt better. The staff were very helpful and friendly. I couldn’t fault the treatment I received.”
Mr Seferlis said: “It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to offer this operation to Mr Allinson on his 87th birthday and get him home on the same day, in time for his birthday cake.
Rebecca Warren, enhanced recovery team lead, said: “Enhanced recovery is an evidence-based approach that helps people to recover more quickly after having surgery. It aims to ensure that patients are as healthy as possible prior to treatment, receive the best possible care during their operation and receive the best possible care while recovering.
“Both patients were fantastic with their pre-operative preparation, and as a result were both able to be discharged after passing all the key post-operative checks. This enabled the patients to recover, and continue to celebrate their birthdays, in the comfort of their own homes.”