Fresh signs approved for Oswestry's award-winning market
Fresh signs have been approved for an award-winning county market hall.

Oswestry Town Market, in the Powis Market Hall on Bailey Head, had asked Shropshire Council for permission to update the signage on the building, and add fresh ones.
The proposal has now been given the green light.
A report by Shropshire Council planning officer Janet Davies said: "The stated intention is ‘to modernise the branding and improve the building cosmetically.’
"The new signage scheme is proposed to be carried out in conjunction with general repainting works to the building and the creation of a painted mural to the west side elevation."

She added: "The proposal involves the erection of a total of 11 fascia signs to be constructed of laminated vinyl and finished in green with white lettering.
"No illumination is proposed.
"The proposed signs would not appear vastly different from the existing signage and it is considered that the works as a whole would result in a visual enhancement of the building."

In the submission requesting approval for the signs, Oswestry Town Council had said the new signage was intended to entice more people to visit the market.
It said: "Following discussion with the Market, Performance and Liaison Panel it was identified that people who were new to the town often found the purpose of the market building unclear, resulting in them turning away once they had reached the Bailey Head and not entering.
"As a result, at the Market, Performance and Liaison Panel Meeting held on July 5 the committee discussed and provided feedback on a design proposal for new signage to the front, side and rear of the indoor market for full council approval.
"In addition, it has been recognised that the building needs repainting and that council wish to consider proposals for a mural on the side of the building."
Approving the proposal Ms Davies states: "The proposed signs generally replace existing signs and are deemed to be acceptable in their siting, scale, design and materials."