Shropshire Star

MP's summer tour begins as she travel's the constituency listening to voters

North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan’s second ‘Summer Tour’ of the constituency is set to start later this week in Trefonen near Oswestry.

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The MP plans to take advantage of the good weather to hold public events across North Shropshire, where residents can meet their Parliamentary representative and raise any issues they may have.

The first stop will take place at Trefonen Village Hall between 4-5pm on Friday. Residents are encouraged to drop by if they want a quick chat and to meet their local Member of Parliament.

She said: “I love getting out and about across North Shropshire, which is glorious in summertime.

“Last year’s Summer Tour was a real success, with lots of important and interesting issues raised, many of which I took to Parliament with me.

“The first stop this year is in Trefonen, where residents from the area and beyond are more than welcome to say hello, have a chat, and let me know what they want to see improved in Shropshire.”

The MP also urged residents with more complex concerns that may require more time to get in touch directly with her office directly, especially as last year’s tour was often very busy.

The event comes several days after the successful annual Trefonen Hill Walk weekend, which raised thousands of pounds for charity. Helen was one of hundreds of people who supported the event by taking part in the family walk on Monday.