Shropshire Star

Oswestry's old Morrisons store could have new occupants after being empty for four years

Oswestry's former Morrisons store could be re-occupied soon.

Last updated
The Morrison's store

Shropshire Council is proposing to lease building and the adjoining car park to a commercial business.

The large store, which sits between Beatrice Street and Oswestry Road, has been empty since since the supermarket giant relocated to its new premises at the former Smithfield livestock market in October 2019. It was built in the mid-1980s.

The supermarket car park was used as part of the Covid vaccination scheme during the pandemic.

There are long-term plans to redevelopment the area as part of the ‘eastern gateway’ area of the town – a key component of the Oswestry Masterplan.

As part of the leasing of the building, the council is proposing to revoke the order on the Beatrice Street car park, next to the store removing the current charges and permits and all other terms and conditions.

The council proposes that the leaseholder will operate the car park to facilitate parking for its customers, with a free two-hour parking stay.

A spokesperson for Shropshire Council said: "This will assist in control and management of the available parking places for the business and help mitigate congestion and on-street parking in the immediate vicinity."

The name of the proposed leaseholder is not known.

"For commercial reasons we’re unable to say any more at this stage, and until the consultation has been completed," said the spokesperson.

All objections, expressions of support or other comments about these proposals must be made in writing to the council by May 24.

Oswestry Town Council will consider the parking changes at its meeting on Wednesday.