Shropshire Star

'These would have a serious effect on your child': Police warn parents over cannabis-laced 'sweets'

Parents have been warned to be alert in case their children buy 'cannabis edibles' packaged up as sweets.

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The 'sweets' seized by the officer

The warning comes from Oswestry Police, who said officers found a packet of the sweets on a 15-year-old boy in the town.

Police Community Support Officer Kurt McCabe posted a picture of the sweet packet online, asking people to check for themselves if they think it looked like 'normal' sweets.

The branding includes the name 'Millions Rope Bites' – but with the word 'medicated' above, set on a vivid yellow and green swirly pattern, as well as references to a '60-minute activation time'.

PC McCabe has warned that the 'edibles', which contain an ingredient of cannabis, can have a "serious effect" on children.

He said: "Please take a quick look at the image of the packet of sweeties. Are they normal sweets?

"What you are actually looking at is a packet of 'edibles' or THC-laced sweets.

"They are sweets laced with six grams of THC, the active ingredient in cannabis which would have a serious effect on your child, especially if found by younger siblings of teenagers.

"So we are asking parents to be especially vigilant, as this pack was seized by myself from a 15-year-old male.

"His parents have been informed and we are glad to say that they are actively on board with the actions taken by the police.

"Please look to see what your children have in their possession, as this could easily have been mistaken for normal sweets."

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