Shropshire Star

Oswestry's new town mayor praises the town, saying it is punching well above it's weight

Oswestry's new town mayor has praised the town, saying it is punching well above it's weight.

New mayor Councillor Olly Rose.

Councillor Olly Rose was sworn in as Mayor at the annual town council meeting at the Guildhall on Wednesday .

She took over from Councillor Jay Moore, who she praised for his hard work over the past 12 months.

The new mayor said that during her seven years living in Oswestry and her 20 working in the area as part of her role with Age UK said had come to see Oswestry as the best served town that she had worked in with regard to clubs and activities for older people.

"I came across a great many people who look out for their neighbours, take food round, check if the curtains get opened and pop round if not. As a councillor for the past few years I've seen that same sense of community in the many charities and groups active in the town. There is such a lot going on for a town of this size."

"I find it frustrating when people run the town down on social media. It has in fact under average vacant shops, an award winning market, lovely open spaces,some great independent businesses and lots of community events. I wonder if those that criticise realise it is punching well above its weight I wonder if they realise the disservice they are doing to our traders,the negativity isn't going to help anyone or encourage visitors to our town.

When I've been out and about meeting people in person I have found almost universal positivity. I've previously run a couple of market stalls as a councillor to ask people what they like and dislike in the town and for ideas and I hope to engage in this way a bit more this year, also trying to get myself out to where people find it easy to get to."

She said the role of mayor was a ceremonial one, designed to represent the council and the community at formal events and express the views and decisions made by the council.

"As councillors together we have each volunteered in the role because we want to make a difference to our town and do our best to help Oswestry be an attractive place to set up a business,live and visit. It's good that we come from a range of backgrounds and with different views to reflect the community."

The new mayor said she was keen to raise the profile of the many groups and charities who were doing amazing things in the town.

"When I worked for Age UK we were lucky enough to have several hundrrd volunteers and the organisation would have collapsed without them. It is harder now to find volunteers as people work longer hours to make ends meet and retire later but also I think the benefits of volunteering to the person themselves are often underplayed."

New mayor Councillor Olly Rose with her fellow members of Oswestry Town Council.

Councillor Moore said it had truly been an honour to be Mayor.

"So many of you have welcomed me and my family with open arms, and for that you have my eternal gratitude."

He marked his last week in his mayoral role by publishing photos taken by Ukrainian photographer, based in Shropshire, Andrei Maximov.

He is currently offering portrait sittings with 50 per cent of the donation given for the photos going to raise money to support Ukrainian defenders. ​

People can get in touch with Andrei to get involved in the portrait project online at