Shropshire Star

Here's when plans for construction work at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital could start

Plans for construction work at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital have been revealed, and could start this summer – if the final stage of the proposals are approved by government.

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Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has shared a proposed construction management plan for the new hospital building at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH), which would be created as part of the 'Future Fit' Hospitals Transformation Programme (HTP).

The plan sets out proposals to manage traffic and public access on the site during the construction of the new building, which is subject to national approval of the trust’s full business case (FBC).

The trust said the plan has been developed with HTP contractors, Integrated Health Projects (IHP) and aims to "minimise the impact on patients, staff, and visitors" at RSH during the main construction works – which are expected to take a number of years.

Some of the key proposals in the plan will see the helipad temporarily moved to the Boiler House recreation ground, off Somerby Drive, during the construction of the main build.

A one-way system will also be introduced after the hospital's Ward Block to the junction of Mytton Oak Road and Evolution Road.

For the duration of the build the current Outpatient entrance will be closed, and an alternative entrance will be provided.

Currently, the main road onto the site is being widened and realigned to maintain two-way access for ambulances to the emergency department and a separate road for construction traffic within the construction site.

The trust said the works are necessary to allow for construction traffic to enter, drop off materials, and exit the site safely and with as little disruption as possible to other hospital traffic.

It said the change means there will be some disruption to this area until the work is complete.

Enabling works for the project were approved nationally last year, and, following the formal approval of the Outline Business Case (OBC), the Trust has been developing the Full Business Case (FBC), which is the final stage in the national approval process.

Subject to this, IHP is expected to begin the main build at RSH in the summer.

Additional signage and wayfinding will be put in place to help patients and visitors navigate their way around the site.

People are advised to continue to check the trust’s website for the most up-to-date information on accessing the hospital and parking arrangements.

Further details of the proposed changes, including a site map, can be found online and are on display in both hospitals.

Other works are underway at the RSH site to improve care, which are aligned with HTP and separately funded.

These include a unit to house a new gamma camera, plans for a modular ward extension, and a bunker to house a state-of-the-art LINAC medical linear accelerator.

The trust is holding an open day from 4pm to 6pm on Tuesday, June 4, at Shropshire Education and Conference Centre, to present these proposed changes to patients, visitors, and local residents.

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