Shropshire Star

Oswestry town centre street sealed off because of burning toast

Oswestry town centre street was sealed off today after toast was left burning in a travel agents.

Last updated
Firefighters at the scene in Cross Street, Oswestry

Cross Street was closed off as firefighters were called out to Co-op Travel at about 10.50am, but on arrival, there was no fire – just smoke.

Robin Evans, incident commander for Shropshire Fire and Rescue, said: "The incident started out in Co-op Travel, caused by a toaster that was left unattended.

"Both Co-op Travel and Designs In Mind were heavily smoke logged as a result.

"We've now removed the source and cleared the area of smoke."

Mr Evans urged the public to "be vigilant" around cooking.

He added: "I want to remind people that cooking shouldn't be left unattended, please remain vigilant when cooking."

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