Shropshire Star

Parade planned after Market Drayton's Royal British Legion gets freedom of the town

A parade will take place next week in a Shropshire market town to celebrate the granting of the freedom of the town to a charitable veterans society.

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The Market Drayton Royal British Legion branch at the annual community parade

The Royal British Legion's Market Drayton branch was granted the freedom of the town in May following a meeting of the town council.

The legion branch was granted the honour, the highest that Market Drayton Town Council can grant, to commemorate over 100 years of the charity in Market Drayton.

This award was also granted in recognition of the voluntary work undertaken by former and current members that support the armed forces, veterans, their dependants, and the local community.

To mark the honour, a Freedom of the Town Parade is taking place on Saturday, September 9.

The parade, which begins at 2pm in Church Street, will be led by the Wellington Brass Band and will wind its way through the town to Market Drayton's War Memorial in Cheshire Street where there will be an official presentation and service.