Shropshire Star

Determined Irene releases long-awaited poetry anthology

A talented poet and lifelong artist from Market Drayton has fulfilled her dream and released an anthology of her work.

Irene Stasinski has published her own book of humorous poems after the pain of arthritis put a halt to her painting

Irene Stasinski, 88, struggles to paint because of arthritis despite her love of art, so this year she set out to produce her own book of humorous poems instead.

After having difficulty finding a publisher, Irene eventually struck out on her own and has now released Irene Stasinski's Humourverse.

Each poem is accompanied by one of Irene's drawings, and she shared the book with her friends and neighbours at a celebratory meal.

Irene said she holds a lunch at the Kings Head pub twice a year for her "kind and loving friends and neighbours".

She said: "My poems are for people who don't like poetry.

"Every one has a funny little illustration.

"I'm glad it is all over now, but I've already got my first poem ready for if I do another book."

The book is now on sale at the Festival Drayton Centre at £5.

Irene said one of her poems was also commissioned by an NHS worker, and nine of her verses are now on display at a health service office in London.

Creativity runs in Irene's family - her grandfather was a photographer who held exhibitions all over the world and her cousin was also an artist.

She came to Market Drayton from Lancashire 35 years ago, and has embraced the town and its people.

Earlier this year she contributed to the annual Drayton ArtsFest, handwriting the names of the townspeople who lost their lives in the First World War.