Shropshire Star

Find out where 28 affordable homes near Welshpool are to be built

Detailed plans to build 28 affordable homes on the outskirts of Guilsfield near Welshpool have been given the go ahead by Powys planners.


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It is expected that a lower speed limit than the current 60mph will be needed on a section of the B4392 road at Tan y Gaer which is on a bend before coming into Guilsfield from the direction of Arddleen.

The reserved matter planning application was submitted at the end of July last year by Williams Homes (Bala) which included details of the layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping.

Just days earlier an outline planning application, which had been lodged with Powys County Council by Margaret Bardsley in 2019, was approved which established the principle of development at the site.

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