Shropshire Star

Date set for four months of works to start to tackle Much Wenlock's ongoing flooding problem

Four months of work to help reduce flooding problems in a south Shropshire town is due to start within weeks.

Last updated
Flashback to flooding problems in the centre of Much Wenlock..Thick mud remains on the High Street after a deluge..

Shropshire Council says drainage work on Stretton Road, Much Wenlock, is to be carried out on from Monday, January 22, until mid-April 2024.

The work will include the construction of a new highway drainage system which will divert water into the Shylte attenuation basin, constructed by Shropshire Council in 2017.

The connection of the highway drainage system to this basin will ensure these water flows are reduced, and reduce flooding around Havelock Crescent and High Street during intense rainfall events.

A 24-hour road closure and a signed diversion route will be will be in place to ensure the works are delivered as efficiently and safely as possible, says the council.

Access will be maintained for properties within the closure.

The above dates may change subject to constraints such as weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Councillor Dan Morris, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways, said: “This scheme will – once completed – greatly help to protect people in Much Wenlock from flooding and I’m really pleased that work will soon be carried out.

"We appreciate that the work will cause some disruption but we thank people for their understanding while this important work is carried out.”

Councillor Dan Thomas, Shropshire Councillor for Much Wenlock, said: “I’m delighted to see these works being scheduled to go ahead after pressing for them to be prioritised ever since I was elected.

"They will be an essential part of flood resilience in that part of Much Wenlock and protect residents and their homes. The closure of the B4371 Stretton Road isn’t ideal, but the long-term benefits will be worth the relatively short inconvenience.”

In addition to this work, Shropshire Council is continuing to work with partners including Much Wenlock Town Council, the Environment Agency, Severn Trent Water, the National Flood Forum and Much Wenlock Flood Action Group on other opportunities for reducing flood risk in the town.