Shropshire Star

Emergency crews scrambled to two crashes in county

Emergency crews rushed to two crashes both involving two vehicles on Tuesday afternoon.

Last updated
Picture: Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service

The first one was at Kingslow, between Bridgnorth and Wolverhampton and involved a fire crew from Telford Central station being sent at 2.02pm to make the vehicles safe.

A spokesperson for Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service said it was a road traffic collision involving two vehicles.

"Crews assisted ambulance and police by making vehicles safe," said the spokesperson. The fire service's role in the incident was declared over at 2.36pm.

The second crash took place at Linley Brook, Bridgnorth, and two fire crews from the town were sent along at 5.20pm.

Police and the ambulance service were also reported to be at the scene.

A spokesperson for the fire service said it was a road traffic collision involving two vehicles.

"Crews assisted police and ambulance by making vehicles safe," said the spokesperson who added that the fire service's role in the incident was declared over at 5.35pm.

West Mercia Police and West Midlands Ambulance Service have been asked for more information on both crashes.

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