Shropshire Star

Shropshire Good Food Partnership wins £100k grant to boost green measures in schools

Shropshire Good Food Partnership is one of just five organisations across the UK that will receive £100,000 to boost green measures and reduce carbon emissions in schools.


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Shropshire Good Food Partnership will use the grant over the coming year to demonstrate how the school food system can contribute towards school decarbonisation, build food resilience and increase access to nutritious, healthy food for all.

Jenny Rouquette of the Shropshire Good Food Partnership said: "We are really excited to be involved in this project. The Zero Carbon Fund will allow us to really look at the whole school food system, how it can contribute towards decarbonisation, building food resilience and increase access to healthy, nutritious food for all.

“Through growing, local procurement, cooking, eating, taste testing, the discovery of low carbon foods and minimising food waste in schools, we hope to empower food citizens for the future. We look forward to celebrating the impact the Schools Food Web will have.

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