Shropshire Star

Young environmentalists wanted for 2024 Darwin Scholarship

A scholarship designed to help young people learn a range of environmental skills and explore future career opportunities in the natural world is open for applications.


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The Field Studies Council, which has its headquarters based at Preston Montford near Shrewsbury, is looking for 75 young people aged 16 to 25 to take part in its 2024 Young Darwin Scholarship programme and those interested have until June 2 to apply.

The annual scholarship helps those with an interest in the environment to gain practical skills and understanding of a wide range of field techniques including biodiversity identification and recording skills.

Mollie Clay, learning and development officer for the charity, said the scholarship had been designed to help young people develop the skills and knowledge they might need to access a range of potential green careers.

She said: “The Field Studies Council has been running the Young Darwin Scholarship for more than 10 years now and we have awarded scholarships to more than 300 young people in that time.

“The scheme is always very popular so we would urge anyone who is interested in taking part this year to get their applications in by the June deadline.”

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