Shropshire Star

Life-saving course on offer in Wellington

Wellington residents are being offered free life-saving training thanks to local councillors.


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A series of ten training sessions will be held in the town, funded by a Pride grant from Wellington Town Councillors.

The Telford & Wrekin Councillors' Pride Fund is allocated annually to each member to support improvements or projects that help to deliver the council's five priorities in their ward areas to protect, care and invest and create a better borough.

“This is an important initiative for us – it literally could mean the difference between life and death,” said Mayor of Wellington, Councillor Paul Davis.

“We hope that the free training will be taken up by local residents who want to increase their knowledge of vital life saving methods and will find it beneficial to have some hands-on, practical experience.”

Others who are providing funding are Councillors Graham Cook, Lee Carter, Giles Luter and Angela McClements.

The two-hour course covers basic life support, choking, recovery position and defibrillator awareness and is held at either Arleston Community Centre and Wellington Leisure Centre, with places limited to 12.

The next session will be on May 24 at Wellington Leisure Centre.

Call 01952 567697 or email for more details.

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