Shropshire Star

Who are they? Mystery of wedding couple

Here comes the bride, here comes the groom... but who the devil are they?

Last updated
A happy day for this mystery couple.

John Powell, from Oswestry, has come across this photo of a happy occasion and is hoping that somebody will be able to recognise the couple.

John, who has a big collection of old photos and film, said: "It was in a box of pictures that I found but with nothing to say where or when or who.

"The church is, I think, in Llanymynech and, I guess, that the picture was taken in the 1940s and the groom was doing his National Service. On the reverse, there is just a number, 313, stamped and the paper is Kodak Velox, a 3.5 x 2.5 inches contact print. This was the usual chloride paper at the time for D&P processing of film.

"It would be interesting to hear if anyone recognises the happy couple after this period of time."

So if you can, drop us a line, and we can pass the information on to John to solve the mystery. Email

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