Shropshire Star

Shropshire's Chloe takes up new role with Balfours

Balfours has announced the promotion of Chloe Evans to Associate Partner.

Chloe Evans

Chloe, who joined Balfours in September 2020 during the pandemic said: "I graduated from Harper Adams University with BSc (Hons) in Rural Enterprise and Land Management during the early days of the pandemic, so I was extremely grateful that Balfours were able to employ me and ultimately support me through my APC – Assessment of Professional Competence – and to become a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors MRICS in Autumn 2022.”

Managing partner, Rory Galliers said: “Considering the turbulent and at times isolated start Chloe had with us she has become a true team player and is highly regarded by the clients she is involved with, so the step up is well deserved. The fact that Chloe grew up and was educated in Shropshire makes her progress even more satisfying.”

Chloe added: “I enjoy looking at the whole picture from the challenges of contract farming and environmental stewardship to inheritance tax planning, looking after clients for future generations.

"Since the pandemic, land management has faced new challenges, not least seeking alternative sources of revenue as the Basic Payment Scheme is phased out and the fall-out from the Ukraine war in terms of rocketing farm costs.”

Chloe now looks forward to Balfours move to new offices in the centre of Ludlow.

She said: “For the first time our South Shropshire land agency will be based in the same offices as the growing sales team which will provide a more cohesive base for both clients and staff."

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