Shropshire Star

NFU adviser fears Shropshire farmers at 'end of tether' over heavy rainfall

Record-breaking rain is putting serious financial and mental health pressure on food producers in the county, a senior farming leader has said.


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Edward Garratt spoke of his concerns for farmers as the NFU warned of a building crisis in the agricultural sector due to the ongoing bad weather which has battered the country with heavy rain, winds and flooding.

Met Office provisional statistics showed that England saw a record amount of rainfall in the 18 months to March.

Mr Garratt, a Shropshire County Adviser for the NFU, said: "I am really, really concerned about farming in the county at the minute.

"It doesn't feel like it has stopped raining since September. I am worried about both the economics and the mental well-being of those on family farms in the county.

"We are in a situation where half to three quarters of the winter crops didn't get planted. There are hardly any spring crops that have been planted since."

Edward Garratt

"Potatoes are probably a month behind where they should be so I am really concerned.

"And, from a livestock point of view, the people are running out of feed because they can't turn the cows out, the grass isn't growing so, yes, it's a really serious situation.

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