Shropshire Farming Talk with G.O Davies
Will it ever stop raining? Lambing on the Roberts sheep enterprise has drawn to a close.

The experience has not been particularly pleasant as we have had quite a bit of Schmallenberg.
In fact, we have seen Bradshaws so often we might now be on their calendar list!
Grain markets have had a welcome lift with feed wheat over £175, barley is up to £160, and oats are fantastic at £270+.
New crop is the interesting one, as where are we going with that?
I think we are looking at a 10 million tonne crop which is way less than we need, you would think that there is only one way to go.
However, we are but a small cog and it all depends on what happens worldwide.
Input costs are dropping and the Government have realised that food security is an issue.
How you round that circle when you are paying farmers to take 25 per cent of productive land out of production is beyond me.
Here comes the sun …hopefully!!
by David Roberts, G.O Davies