Farming Talk: Shropshire Holstein Club always welcomes new members
The Shropshire Holstein Club run events every month of the year for all members, including our Holstein Young Breeder (HYB) section.

The year splits into two with a programme for the winter, from October to April and then summer activities from April to September.
During the winter period, we invite speakers to address the members at our monthly meetings which are usually held on the first Monday of the month at Halls Auction Mart canteen in Shrewsbury.
Audiences are usually between 40 and 100 people.
The summer events include stock judging, the herds competition, Black Tie Annual Dinner Dance, farm walks and providing hospitality for members and judges at local shows including Newport and Shropshire Show.
We are also looking at supporting other shows in our area to promote farming.
Each year we plan a study tour over three days with recent tours visiting Scotland, Ireland, Wales and this year we are planning a tour to the eastern counties of England following a very successful tour last October to the south east of England.
Numbers are usually approaching 50 members.
We have a very successful Young Breeders section and we devote a lot of time and effort to encourage all our HYB members to get involved
and develop skills such as stock judging, washing and clipping and showing, and feeding advice as well.
Everyone is welcome to join us at any and all our events. We had just short of 100 members and friends attend our January meeting at The Twemloes Stallion AI Stud.
Following that meeting we have gained new members. The fees are just £10 per year to join.
To find out more, email
Frank Dixon is secretary of the Shropshire Holstein Club