Shropshire Star

Shropshire Farming Talk: Motoring ahead in the new year

We’re motoring into the year.

Last updated
Shropshire Star farming column columnist Oliver Cartwright, NFU Shropshire

I always forget how quickly it flies by and soon we’ll be in February and for the NFU that is national conference season, 21 and 22 at Birmingham International Centre.

For me, one of the highlights of the New Year is welcoming new NFU officeholders following a series of successful annual meetings.

In Shropshire and across the West Midlands we have a number of new people in post at county and branch level.

We are here at the Telford office as always to give new officeholders support, so please contact us, your Shropshire NFU county adviser Edward Garratt or group secretary.

We are also working on a coordinated induction programme, which includes how farmers and staff can work together to greatest effect and make a real differences for members’ businesses from the grass roots up.

I’d like to thank anyone whose term is coming to an end and in particular out-going Shropshire chair Carol Griffiths who farms at Clunton for her sterling efforts over the past two years.

On behalf of staff and members, thank you to all who have served in NFU officeholder roles and represented fellow farmers and growers and we look forward to working with the new crop in the months ahead.

Oliver Cartwright, NFU West Midlands

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