Shropshire Star

Reasons for an inventory

When renting out a property, an inventory is invaluable.

Jackie Monro is Balfours' Head of Lettings

It is the document that reports the condition of the property and its contents before the tenancy commences giving both the tenant and landlord a clear record.

This document is then used to compare the condition at the tenancy end, alongside the checkout report. Fair wear and tear will always need to be considered but with detailed reports, excessive damage can be distinguished.

Often the tenant may paint a feature wall in a dark colour which then needs several coats to restore to its original condition. This would be something that could be deducted from the deposit unless prior approval had been sought.

Should an agreement not be reached these two documents will assist the Deposit Scheme in their adjudication.

Please do get in touch for more information on the inventories Balfours provide.

Jackie Monro is Balfours' Head of Lettings

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