Shropshire Star

Protecting rural businesses against crime

Every year rural crime costs millions of pounds and causes untold anxiety to farmers and rural businesses.

Keith Fowles, KLF Insurance Brokers Limited.

In Shropshire, it cost £1,230,000 last year.

The items which are most commonly targeted by thieves across the Midlands over the last 12 months have been tools, all terrain vehicles, quads and machinery. And the fear of crime is changing life in the countryside.

It is a sad state of affairs but with rural crime costing the UK nearly £50 million last year, people living and working in the countryside must now regularly evaluate current security measures, making improvements where necessary and remaining vigilant.

Farmers and rural businesses are being forced to come up with new ways of protecting property. The use of CCTV cameras, strong lighting and security fences can help, as well as innovative technology such as installing infra-red beams which send alerts to mobile phones and geo-fencing, which triggers an alarm if tractors go beyond farm boundaries.

Farmers should take steps to avoid becoming a victim of crime and ensure their machinery, livestock and equipment is protected, and to secure outbuildings. For more advice go to:

Keith Fowles is the owner of KLF Insurance Brokers.

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