Shropshire Star

Early lean growth key to profitable beef production

Beef producers should be maximising early lean growth to avoid costly setbacks.

Bethany May, Trident Feeds ruminant nutritionist.

Based on the fact that feed conversion efficiency decreases with age, missing out on just 10 per cent early growth in beef animals could lengthen finishing times and increase overall feed requirements by an additional 159kg/head.

Maximising early lean growth, the stage at which feed is converted the most efficiently, should be at the forefront of all producer's minds.

It's key to increasing overall growth rates, reducing time to slaughter and improving the quality of finish.

Nutrition in the first five to six months of life plays a large role in achieving this, so rations should include a quality protein source, while lean growth is most efficient. As animals get older, this lean growth efficiency decreases and fat deposition becomes a priority.

To produce cost-effective rations, producers should reassess protein sources, as it is often the most expensive dietary component, and quality can vary.

However, choosing a better economic value protein source doesn't have to mean that the quality of the ration will be compromised.

For instance, wheat distillery liquid feeds, such as Proflo, are a good option compared to cereals plus soya, or rapeseed meal, as they are palatable so drive intakes helping to maximise early lean (muscle) growth, at reduced ration cost.

Wheat distillery syrups are a good source of metabolisable protein and have a high energy level which complements the high crude protein.

Distillery syrups are packed with yeast residuals, which can stimulate further rumen microbial growth and therefore supply more high quality metabolisable protein to the animal.

So, providing this quality source of metabolisable protein in a grower ration will ensure that there are sufficient protein reserves available, to grow frame size and muscle for more efficient fattening at a later stage.

Distillery syrups also have further non-nutritional benefits. In addition to the yeast fragments significantly boosting microbial protein growth compared to other molasses, wheat syrup fermentation in the rumen produces less lactic and more propionic acid which is an essential energy source for growth.

Both factors can be linked to improved rumen health, maximised daily liveweight gain and feed conversion efficiency in young beef animals, especially when fed alongside another high quality by-pass protein source such as SoyPass.

It's vital that the role of nutrition in early life is recognised by producers in achieving maximum early lean growth, to achieve end weight goals in the target time period.

Bethany May is ruminant nutritionist at Trident Feeds