Shropshire Star

Every Ofsted grade given to Shropshire schools so far in 2024

From tiny village primary schools to specialist colleges, Ofsted inspectors have been busy doing the rounds in Shropshire in recent months.

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It's been good news for most of the schools that have had reports published about them in the opening weeks of 2024.

Out of those whose reports have been published this year, two have secured 'Outstanding' grades, nine have achieved 'Good', while only one has been told improvements are necessary.

We had a look into some of the reports to see what inspectors uncovered in some of Shropshire's schools.

St Luke's Catholic Primary School, Trench, Telford

Rating: Good

During a visit to St Luke's in early December, inspectors found pupils to be "happy, motivated and well behaved".

The report added: "The staff are kind and treat pupils with respect and friendly authority. Pupils are kind to one another. They know that bullying is mean and unacceptable at their school.

"The school’s rules and routines for responding to any poor behaviour work well. This means that pupils feel safe at school and enjoy their time here."

Lessons were described as calm and the school was commended for the "strong sense of community".

Aspris Telford School, Coalbrookdale

Rating: Requires Improvement

Aspris Telford School in Coalbrookdale is an independent school which caters for pupils diagnosed with complex social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs.

During an Ofsted inspection, the school rated ‘good’ in four of the five key areas and commended it as a place where pupils get a ‘fresh start’.

However, the quality of education was judged to ‘require improvement’, resulting in the same overall effectiveness rating.

Responding to the Ofsted findings a spokesperson for Aspris Telford School said: “Whilst we are disappointed with the overall ‘Requires Improvement’ judgement, the report highlights many positive elements.

“With reference to inspectors’ helpful feedback on the curriculum implementation improvements needed, we are fully committed to making and embedding these swiftly and will work tirelessly to return the school to an improved rating as soon as possible."

Grange Primary School, Harlescott, Shrewsbury

Rating: Good

An inspection in January found Grange Primary to be 'Good' overall, with two 'Outstanding' grades given in behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development.

Inspectors said pupils at the Shrewsbury primary "thrive", and praised the "highly effective pastoral care provided for its pupils".

The report added: "The school has high aspirations for what pupils can achieve. The ‘granger code’ based on the school’s values is lived and breathed in the school.

"Staff have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and expect them to work hard. All pupils live up to these expectations.