Shropshire Star

Shropshire educational federation holds inaugural open day

A school which is part of a newly-formed educational federation welcomed current and prospective students to celebrate its recent success.

Head of the Shropshire Hills Foundation, Les Ball, at Chirbury Church of England Primary School open day

The Shropshire Hills Federation held its first open day at Chirbury Church of England Primary School to showcase recent changes and improvements earlier this week.

The school, which now operates together with Busy Bees Nursery, was graded 'good' in all areas inspected by Ofsted in its latest inspection – with officers previously stating it required improvement.

The changes come following a move to make Norbury Primary School, Stiperstones Church of England Primary School, and Chirbury School governed by a single body under the Shropshire Hills Federation amid funding concerns.

Les Ball, head of the federation, said: "Two-and-a-half years ago it became very clear to governors that funding for Stiperstones CE Primary School would no longer be able to sustain high quality education.

"It was also clear that Norbury School would be likely to follow the way of Stiperstones.

"During the past two years, along with Chirbury CE School and Busy Bees Nursery, we formed Shropshire Hills Federation.

"Although this was something quite new and sometimes a little challenging to get across to everyone, we were convinced that it would work.

"Now that we have reached this milestone, we have secured the futures of Norbury, Stiperstones and Chirbury Schools hopefully for many generations to come."

The latest Ofsted report published this month said: "The governors now manage Busy Bees day nursery. A new curriculum has been introduced which is appropriately sequenced in all areas of learning. This is in the early stages of implementation. Governors are dedicated to the school. They provide effective support and challenge to leaders."

Mr Ball added: "Children get one shot at education and we have to make sure that they get the best opportunities possible.

"Working together allows us to provide an excellent education where where children can go on amazing adventures to theatres, art galleries, museums, can go out and visit the open spaces of our incredible location, and explore cities and towns further away.

"We want our children to be adventurous, responsible people who care about our environment and about their futures. By working together with many different organisations, we can do this."