Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury summer club rated as good by Ofsted inspectors

The strong bonds between staff and parents of children at a Shrewsbury summer club have been praised by Ofsted inspectors.

Treetops Kids Club is based at Mereside CofE Primary School in Shrewsbury. Photo: Google StreetView.

Inspector Scott Thomas-White visited Treetops Kids Club at Mereside CofE Primary School last month and found that staff had built "exceptionally strong working relationships with parents and staff at the schools the children attend".

Following his inspection, the club was rated as 'good' for its leadership and management and quality of teaching and assessment and 'outstanding' for personal development, behaviour and welfare.

Mr Thomas-White said: "Staff work well with parents to get to know their children when they start attending. They use this information to help plan for children's interests and skills from the outset. The key persons liaise closely with children's teachers. They use information about children's learning in school to give children opportunities to build on it in the club.

"Staff promote children's health, welfare and well-being to the highest level. They place a strong emphasis on helping children learn how to keep themselves healthy. For instance, during outdoor play, staff explain in detail to the children the importance of keeping hydrated when exercising

"Children's behaviour is exceptional. They cooperate extremely well with rules, such as during team games outside. Children play alongside other children harmoniously, building on each other's imaginative ideas. Staff deliver highly innovative activities. These motivate the children to an outstanding level. All children are very eager to join in with the activities on offer. Children give their full concentration to the games that they play. They listen intently to staff, and this helps them to understand and follow the instructions given to them.

"Staff organise a range of outings for the children. This helps to significantly enhance their play experiences and promote their understanding of their local community."

Mr Thomas-White did not give the club a rating of outstanding as he felt that the provider's monitoring of staff is not yet highly effective to help raise the quality of practice to a consistently outstanding level.

The club, which was registered in 1995, employs eight members of staff and caters for children aged between four and 11.