Shropshire Star

Shropshire nursery rated 'outstanding' in its first Ofsted report

A nursery at Claverley CE School has been rated as "outstanding" in its first ever Ofsted report.

Last updated
Pictured with pupils are staff members, from left, Katrina Southwick-Vaughan,Hannah Edwards, Jess Morgan and Andrea Horton

Little Woodlings Nursery received the top mark for the quality of education it provides, the behaviour and attitudes of children, their personal development and for leadership and management.

In the Ofsted report inspectors said that the provision at the early years setting is "outstanding and children are confident, capable learners with a drive to achieve".

The nursery caters for 24 children per session, aged from two to four-years-old, and has a total of 49 on roll.

The four members of staff also offer wraparound care with the breakfast and after-school clubs which take children up to 11-years-old.

Staff are praised for inspirational and excellent teaching, with less-experienced members receiving the support needed to build on their teaching skills.

Children with special educational needs and, or, disabilities are said to make rapid incremental progress in their development.

The standard of care staff provide is said to be excellent which each child nurtured to be the best they can be.

Owner Hannah Edwards is praised for her "highly successful leadership" with staff workload manageable because of steps she has taken to reduce unnecessary written assessment.

Curriculum plans have a strong focus on communication, language and literacy and the inspectors said that staff partnership working went above and beyond what was expected.

Safeguarding arrangements are given high priority and the inspectors said that the children's love of books and reading skills were promoted through regular trips to a library van.

The children also learned how to walk safely to the local community cafe and gained mathematical skills, such as the value of money to buy snacks, as well a learning how to behave in public and use good manners towards people.

Hannah Edwards, owner and nursery manager, said: "The nursery opened in 2020 and this was the first Ofsted report.

"We are all very proud of gaining an outstanding grading from Ofsted as they are very difficult to achieve, especially because we are such a small setting.

"We all work very hard for our families and children so it is such an amazing achievement to be recognised for all out hard work.

"We are a small team, very dedicated to our jobs, and to be able to show off what we do is a great feeling."