Shropshire Star

Police alert over spike in thefts of diesel and heating oil in Shropshire

Police have put residents on alert over "another spike" in thefts of diesel / heating oil in Shropshire.

Last updated

Bishop's Castle and Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team say tractors in Lydham and Snailbeach have had fuel syphoned from their tanks and a property near Linley had roughly 700 litres of kerosene stolen from the oil tank.

In the force's August and September newsletter the SNT says: "The last month has seen another spike in diesel / heating oil thefts in the local area.

"Tractors in Lydham and Snailbeach have had fuel syphoned from their tanks and a property near Linley had roughly 700 litres of kerosene stolen from the oil tank.

"Generally, criminals use a tube to syphon off the oil into containers that are portable but they can also syphon oil into much larger tanks mounted on vehicles. Farm fuel tanks, tractors and heating oil tanks can be vulnerable to fuel theft."

The force says 150 litres of diesel were syphoned from tractor at Snailbeach overnight on September 11 and 12.

They say the kerosene theft from an oil tank outside of property in Linley occurred between August 24 and September 7.

Officers advise residents to keep tractors and powered machinery locked and out of sight from roads and tracks when not in use to prevent thieves getting nearby with a vehicle.

They also advise keeping field and farmyard gates closed and locked, and block exit points that aren’t used.

As well as CCTV they suggest putting a security gate or secure fencing around your tank to make it difficult for thieves to access, and to use decent quality locking fuel tank caps and padlocks to lock tanks, closed shackle padlocks are more difficult to cut with bolt croppers

The use of gravel around tanks can also put thieves off because it is noisy when walked upon and will draw attention.