Shropshire Star

Crackdown after more than 170 deaths and serious injuries to motorbike riders and cyclists in Shropshire

More than 170 deaths and serious injuries have been caused to motorbike riders and cyclists in Shropshire in three years.

Last updated

West Mercia Police has confirmed that 10 people died and 172 were seriously hurt in crashes involving motorcycles and push bikes on the county's roads between 2020 and 2022.

Eight motorcyclists were killed and 94 injured, while two cyclists died and 78 were seriously hurt.

It comes as officers spearhead a crackdown this week as part of a national operation to try and slash the numbers of collisions which could potentially have fatal consequences.

Just last month, 19-year-old Harry Taylor was killed in a crash on the B4363 near Billingsley, south of Bridgnorth.

Superintendent Steph Brighton, of West Mercia Police, said: “Unfortunately cyclists and motorcyclists are over-represented within our road collision statistics and we want to ensure we are doing all we can with both education and enforcement to keep these two groups safer.

"This not only means specific activity with these two groups but with all other motorists on the role they can play to keep those using two wheels safer.

"Supporting this national operation with local activities and increased enforcement is an important way of raising road safety issues amongst cyclists, motorcyclists and other road users."

The aim of the national action is to focus the minds of all road users - improving driver behaviour when sharing the road with those on two wheels, and also to educating those using bikes and motorbikes of the dangers of not having the correct skills, knowledge and protective equipment.

As part of the operation, Think Bike posters will be put up along key motorcycle routes to raise awareness to both motorcyclists and other road users of the importance of looking out for each other. Throughout the week officers will also be conducting various operations to enforce compliance of road traffic regulations and improve driver/rider behaviour.

Operation Snap - whereby members of the public can submit digital footage of road traffic offences - continues to be used across Shropshire with "close pass" incidents submitted from cyclists included. Offences can be reported at