Shropshire Star

Sex offender who abused boy 'always knew' complaint would be made over historic offence

A man who admitted sexually abusing a teenage boy has been given a suspended sentence.

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Andrew Fellows, 55, of Cheltenham Court, Leegomery, Telford, was sentenced at Shrewsbury Crown Court on Monday after admitting one charge of indecent assault on a male.

Glyn Samuel, prosecuting, said that the offence had taken place more than 20 years ago, and had involved a victim who was of high school age.

Mr Samuel said that Fellows had made an "outright and frank admission" to the offence in an interview with police.

The court was told that the offence had taken place at Fellows' home at the time with him performing a sex act on the boy.

Mr Samuel said Fellows told police that after the incident he "went and had a very hot bath and felt immediately ashamed of what he had done".

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