Shropshire Star

Beautiful blooms go on show in Telford

Growers have been preparing their gardens for an annual flower show.

Junior Committee member Freya Davies

The Horsehay Horticultural Society’s Flower, Vegetable and Craft Show in Telford will feature award-winning displays.

Beautiful blooms, prized vegetables and handmade crafts will be among the attractions at the show on Saturday.

The event, organised by Horsehay Horticultural Society, will be held in the village hall, in Bridge Road.

Beryl Onions, the group’s chairwoman, said the event has been running for more than 70 years, and attracted entries from as far afield as Shrewsbury, Bridgnorth and Wolverhampton.

“It’s a great event that’s organised yearly by our horticultural society,” she added.

“It is always well attended and people in and around Horsehay know of it and we’re excited to get prepared for it once again.

“There will be various sections and different awards given out at the show which we’re expecting to be as well attended as ever.”

Competition entries will be presented on Friday, August 24, from 6.30pm, until 9pm at the village hall.

Staging of entries can also be made at this time, or between 8.30am to 10.30am on Saturday.

The show opens at 3pm on Saturday and the exhibits will be on display for everyone to see until about 7pm.

Prizes will be presented at 6pm.