Shropshire Star

Exhibition focuses on the swinging 60s

A renowned British photographer is among the artists showing his work at a new gallery.

Snappers Barham, Pratt, Jones and Hurn

David Hurn, along with fellow photographers, John Pratt, Al Vandenburg, Geoffrey Barham, Paul Hill, Richard Shakespeare, Peter Norman, and the Ludlow Archive, all have images featured in 'The 1960s in Pictures' exhibition, recently launched in the second Photospace Gallery in Ludlow.

The exhibition is currently running in the two galleries called Photospace 1 and Photospace 2 until February 1.

The Photospace 1 gallery is based at 1 Quality Square, Ludlow, and is also the home to the Photo Space Charity which focuses on photography and wellbeing.

Informal images of The Beatles, Michael Caine and Julie Christie are just three of the numerous photographic gems caught on camera by Mr Hurn during a distinguished career as a leading reportage photographer.

Ludlow born Paul Hill's exhibition 'Ludlow in the 1960s' was the inspiration for the 1960s exhibition.

Paul's work as a major photo journalist, author and teacher has made him a major influence in contemporary British photography.

The exhibitions can be seen from Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. The gallery will be closed on January 3.

The Photospace was founded by Peter Jones and his wife Lucy with the aim to promote the art of photography by exhibiting the work of photographers and by running workshops, events and artists interviews to encourage emerging talent.