Shropshire Star

Leanne in the running for the National Entertainment Awards

A Shropshire tribute artist has been nominated for a National Entertainment Award.

Last updated
Leanne Love as Celine Dion

Leanne Love, who has been a tribute act to the Canadian born singer Celine Dion since she was 14 years-old, is currently in first place in the online poll and is appealing to people who have seen her sing or seen her act online to vote.

"Celine Dion is my icon," she said.

"My live streams in lockdoown have been getting thousands of people watching them – one had 56,000 views and my page has had 2,000 shares.”

The singer has also taken part in charity online events in recent months.

She said her tribute career started when she was eight years-old and heard Celine Dion’s song Think Twice for the first time.

“I remember doing karaoke as a teenager and I sang Think Twice and people told me how much I sounded like her.

“They said I had the voice and I looked like her, which is such a compliment.

“I think that is my favourite song to perform to because it brings back a special memory.”

Her friend, Emily Newcombe, said Leanne was an incredible singer.

"It says it all for me when Celine's team have commented on her skills and how close she is to Celine," Emily said.

Voting ends on Wednesday. Anyone wishing to vote can do so via her Facebook page,

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